Services & Rates

Therapeutic Swedish and Relaxing

$50 per hour

$50 per 60 min

$75 per 90 min

$100 per 2 hr

This is a combination of a glorious light to firm pressure relaxation massage.  You will still receive a combination of energy healing and therapeutic stretching combined with traditional Swedish strokes of efflourage, kneading, gliding, and tapotement.  All taylored to fit the individuals neeimageds

Therapeutic Deep Tissue

$70 per hour

$70 per 60 min

$90 per 90 min

$105 per 2 hour

This is for the person who wants a little bit more pressure with their therapy.  It will still include energy work, and combined with firm to deep Swedish strokes, Myo Fascial release, Neuro Muscular therapy, and Sports stretching.

Great for weekend warriors, athletes, and injuriesimage